Welcome back, Division A Toastmasters, to ZOOM IN!
Nathalie Damas (from Expression club and Toastmasters 75 Club) is leading the 2016-2017 editorial team of our information-packed, inter-club communication and leadership.
Regular features (David Martin and other TM coaches)Videos of speaking tipsArticles on how to be better speakers and leaders of TM’s Fantastic and Motivated Writers from several English and French clubs:
Colleen Shaughnessy-Larsson, DTM, Oxana Goul, Odile Petillot, Yasmina Beselah, Robert Chabit, Patrice Udekwe.
Special thanks to our Super Websmaster, Teddy Candale.You can subscribe to Zoom In. Enjoy Zoom In, with new format!Last year, our Division received the Best Division Newsletter in District 59 (Western Europe!). The team is ready to produce a champion publication again with you !Any Club in our division can contribute: How ?
From your clubwebsite, send us the link to your article, article ideas, club features, videolink, workshop article, Ebooks article etc.. with a supporting quality photo for the front page of Zoom In to nathalie.damas@gmail.com.Enjoy Zoom In, with new format !We wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2017 !
Colleen Shaughnessy-Larsson, DTM and Nathalie Damas, ACB, ALB
Editor, Zoom In 2015-2016 / Editor, Zoom In 2016-2017Youth Leadership Program (YLP) – “How the YLP Started in Paris” The Paris Youth Leadership Program (YLP) began with an idea between three women and a question: “Wouldn’t it be fun to help kids speak in front of an audience.” “We could use Table Topics as a start.”Three years later, that idea turned into a reality.Read more…David Martin – Speak the Rainbow
Here’s a Rainbow challenge to all my friends in Division!Feel like a World Champion? Upload a Toastmasters speech or table topic of yours to the cloud. Send the link to David’s blog “Speak the Rainbow. …Read more…Video: Speech Structure Building
Experience-driven, practical, to the point – The Seven Minute Star is your entertaining guide to becoming a great speaker! Whatever your profession may be, these 15 steps will propel you up the stairs where you’ll find your seven minutes of glory – on stage: You will release your hand brake. You will be as translucent as ice-cold.Read more…Rhetoric Speaking Game
A few years ago Toastmasters and business partners, Florian Mueck and John Zimmer, looked for board games specifically designed for public speaking but could not find any. Why not create one that helps people improve and makes the experience an enjoyable one? And so RHETORIC, the world’s first public speaking board game, was born.Read more…Musclez votre voix
Connaissez-vous de bons orateurs avec une voix inaudible ou des leaders avec une voix chevrotante ? Avant d’être une affaire de mots, la communication orale est avant tout une affaire de voix. La voix est le premier instrument de l’orateur, elle participe à former votre image et donne du corps à votre discours.Read more…2016 Christmas Dinner Party
What a Toastmasters Division A Gathering
The party was fun and attracted many members of Toastmasters and guests. It all started with a welcome aperitif providing people with the opportunity and time to mingle and talk with friends and fellow toastmasters.Read more…25 ans du FRDS Ce jour-là, lundi 21 novembre, beaucoup de monde se presse dans la salle de l’Olivier à Boulogne-Billancourt. Ce lieu accueille habituellement les soirées du club Forum des Rives De Seine, et de mémoire de Toastmasters, personne ne se souvient ici d’une telle affluence !Read more…Atelier Table Topics à FRDS
Boostez vos improvisations avec l’Atelier Table Topics
L’été 2016, l’Atelier Table Topics a vu le jour à l’initiative de deux Toastmasters,
A l’époque, Harumi (Lutèce) organisait des événements autour de la prise de parole en public.Read more…2016 Division A Conference Crossword Download the last Division A Conference Crossword.Read more…Editorial n°1 – Promise TM by Mike Storkey
Show Up—For Yourself anRead more…Editorial n°2 – Promise TM by Mike Storkey
Being the Best You Can BeRead more…
Thanks Teddy looks great on the phone!