Editorial of March 2017On behalf of Zoom in team : Teddy, Oxana, Colleen and Nathalie: Division and district contest are coming soon !! We wish to all competitors: good luck ! Do not hesitate to encourage them !!The new Zoom in is released. Enjoy it and share it on social network ! If you want to contribute with an article and high quality photos, please send us an email. Have a beautiful Toastmasters day!Moments of Truth Alice, Area 4 Director, explains a fun interactive tool, Kahoot!, in an interview with Colleen Shaughnessy-Larsson, DTM. Kahoot! makes “Moments of Truth” fun for members!Read more…Quand TED rencontre Toastmasters
Chacun de nous, au moins une fois dans sa vie, a été fasciné par un des discours TED. Rien d’étonnant : les conférenciers y sont des spécialistes reconnus dans leurs domaines …
Read more…Comment réussir tes entretiens et concours ? Quoi que nous fassions dans la journée, notre existence est jonchée d’une infinité d’échanges, en ligne, au téléphone, dans le milieu professionnel, dans notre vie privée… Dire que nous n’avons pas besoin de communiquer est à mon sens une erreur.Read more…Comment écrire un article percutant ?
Écrire des articles reste une méthode simple pour informer, partager vos idées, ou démontrer votre talent. Qu’il s’agisse de vous démarquer sur les réseaux professionnels comme LinkedIn en participant à la discussion et en offrant votre savoir, ou votre savoir-faireRead more…Rainbow Example 4 – Barack Obama
David Martin believes “Barack’s a rainbow kinda guy”. Read his rainbow analysis of the former President’s 2017 entire farewell speech. David realized that the TV news clips gave another impression. David was inspired by a book “Power of Words” about President Obama’s speeches pre-White House….Read more…Christianne Rondeau – DTM Sylvie Klajman
Sylvie a gravi brillamment les échelons au rythme de son club, de son secteur, le secteur A2 et de la Division A. C’est à l’automne 2016 à Madrid qu’elle a reçu des mains de Markus Hendeĺ District Director les honneurs de la plus haute distinction chez Toastmaster celle de DTM Distinguished Toastmaster et ce sous un tonnerre d’applaudissements.Read more…Die Kunst des freien Redens lernen mit Eiffelturm Toastmasters
Reden vor Publikum halten. Ideen überzeugend präsentieren. Lampenfieber bekämpfen. Das alles kann man in einem Redeclub lernen – umgeben von netten Leuten in einer wohlwollenden Atmosphäre.Read more…Toastmasters Gemalto gets chartered!
Now employees at the Gemalto headquarters based in Meudon, have the opportunity to improve and develop their public speaking and leadership skills at lunchtime. The club comprised of 27 members has been meeting officially since October, twice a month.Read more…Division A Spring Conference (District 59)
The Europeans and l’Etincelle have joined forces and are pleased to invite you to the Division A Spring Conference (District 59) on March, 25th 2017, from 10am to 6pm, at the Saint-Eloi Parish in Paris.Read more…Toastmasters District 59 Spring Conference
The District 59 Spring Conference 2017 will be held in Winterthur, Switzerland. Save the date: 12th -14th May 2017 from Friday 11.00 till Sunday 12.00Read more…World Speech Day & TEDxIHEParis
Save the date and Early Bird booking !! Next Tedx in Paris in english with famous american, french speakers on 20 May 2017 at Theater la madeleine.Read more…A great prize to launch «The Prize»!
Theatre in Paris, the only company to break the language barrier in the wonderful world of French theatre thanks to state-of-the art subtitling technology, is celebrating the debut of their new, highly anticipated show «The Prize» at the luxurious Théâtre Edouard VII. To do this, we have launched not one but two contests! Enter for your chance to win tickets, or even glass of champagne before or after the show! Read more…The Virtues of Evaluations
As you start the new calendar year, hopefully full of enthusiasm and eager to maximize the benefits of your Toastmasters journey, I ask you to think about the fourth commitment in the Toastmaster’s Promise…Read more…Take pride of your club
The Toastmaster’s Promise lists a series of promises a new member commits to. Today I’ll mention the fifth one: “To help the club maintain the positive, friendly environment necessary for the membership to learn and grow.”Read more…